IT'S BEEN A WHILE I didn't post an "outfit of the day" so here it is ! I'm not actually satisfied about this outfit because the mix of straw/jean/coton is weird nope ? Tell me what do you think about it ! By the way Dolls , I want to tell you this is the last ( or one of the last) posts here until the end of June , I have big exams which are coming very soon and I' won't be able to write on the blog ! So see you very soon and stay tunned on the blog because my co-blogger , who is also my best friend , will update it soon ! 

Cela fait un moment que je n'ai pas poster de "tenue du jour" ! Je ne suis pas totalement contente de cette tenue , parce que ce mix de paille/jean/coton est un peu bizarre non ? Dites moi ce que vous en pensez ! Au passage les filles , je voulais vous dire que ce post sera le dernier , ou l'un des derniers , sur le blog car j'ai de gros examens en Juin et je ne serais pas apte à poster sur Pretty Tiny Things ! Donc je reviendrai d'ici quelques temps , mais faîtes un tour sur la page de temps à autre , mon amie Rafaela qui tient avec moi le blog s'occupera de mise à jour !

Hat - H&M
Dress- H&M ( Rafaela's one)
Blazer- Camaïeu

ITALY , I MISS YOU A LOT. I nearly felt in love with this country and especially the city of Roma , each time I think about the little days I spent there I feel nostalgic , like this city will disapear soon and I'll won't be able to go there anymore. Maybe I'm weird but this city has something magical. In March I wore a summer skirt and only a tee-shirt because the weather in Italy is simply AMAZING ! Let's take a look to my pictures from this amazing city last March.

3- It was on the large balcony in our shitty hotel.

5- Museum of the Capitol

11- Some gifts/memories from Roma

12/13- Vatican place when I saw the Pope.

17/18- Place Verone

19-This place is like "Montmartre" in France , a beautiful place for artists.

20- The skirt I wore in the Vatican was too short..

21-Inside the Vatican. Actually I have no words to describe such a beauty.

23- Foutain of Trevi by night ( the photo after is when the light was still here) , the place where you make wishes while you keep your eyes closed. It was an amazing moment and our last minutes 
in Roma and we took the bus for 15 hours this same day.

By the way Rafaela and I want to thanks all the people who voted for us to be on the Cosmopolitain page this week , on the categorie " fashion" . It's maybe a little thing but for us it's huge ! So thank you   ! 

LET'S COOK! Our blog isn't only about our lifestyle, our trips or even our fashion posts. It's also about some yummy things to eat that we would like to share with you! So our first cooking post is about brownies. It's so easy to cook & so delicious at the same time. When Emily was in Switzerland by my side, we thought it could be such a good idea to show you our little & easy recipe to bake those delicious - but dangerous - brownies. So here we go!

Cuisinons! Notre blog n'est pas seulement sur notre train de vie quotidiennes, nos voyages ou même nos articles sur la mode. C'est aussi sur certaines recettes sur des choses délicieuses à manger que nous aimerions partager avec vous! Alors notre premier article cuisine est sur les brownies. C'est tellement simple de cuisiner & délicieux. Quand Emily était en Suisse à mes côtés, nous avons pensé que ça pourrait être une bonne idée de vous montrer notre petite mais rapide recette pour pouvoir faire ces délicieux - mais très dangereux - brownies. Alors allons-y!

This is what we need for our recipe. 
130 gr. of butter, 200 gr. of dark chocolate, 150 gr of sugar, 70 gr. of flour, nuts, 3 eggs & salt. ( That I forgot to put on the picture. )
PREPARATION:  Preheat the oven to 200°.

Ceci est ce dont nous avons besoin pour notre recette. 130 gr. de beurre, 200 gr. de chocolat noir, 150 gr. de sucre, 70 gr. de farine, noix de pécan, 3 oeufs & sel. ( Que j'ai oublié de mettre sur la photo. )
PREPARATION: Préchauffez votre four à 200°.

Chop the chocolate and the butter together and melt it in a water bath or even more easy in the microwave. 

Coupez le chocolat et le beurre ensemble et faites-le fondre au bain marie ou encore plus simplement au micro ondes.

In a bowl add 70 grams of flour3 eggs, 150 grams of sugar and a pinch of saltStir them together until it is liquid

Dans un saladier ajoutez 70 grammes de farine, trois oeufs, 150 grammes de sucre et une petite pincée de sel. Remuez le tout jusqu'à ce que ça devienne liquide. 

Then add the melted chocolate and butter in the mixture you just made and stireverything well.

Ajoutez ensuite le chocolat et le beurre fondu au mélange que vous venez de faire et remuez le tout très bien.

Chop the nuts well until they become little and mix them into the bowl.

Hachez bien les noix jusqu'à ce qu'elles deviennent petites puis mélangez-les dans le saladier avec les autres ingrédients.

Mix everything.

Mélangez le tout.

Pour the mixture into a buttered pan and let it bake for 20 to 25 minutes.

Versez le mélange dans un moule beurré et enfournez pendant 20 à 25 minutes.

Tadaam! Enjoy it with some ice cream or even whipped cream and Bon Appétit!

Tadaam! Savourez ceci avec un peu de glace ou même de la crème chantilly et Bon Appétit!

Marion Cotillard , Dior.

 HELLO DOLLS ! I hope you doing well, today the post is about Cannes 2012 , which started
yesterday , if some of you don't know what is it I'll explain you very quickly : this ceremony based in the South of the France started 65/66 years ago  and it present some of the best movies in 2012. 
Movies yes but also a lot of fashion ! You guys know how much Rafaela and I love fashion and this ceremony is awesome to see beautiful dresses! 

Let's see together what outfit I choose to present ! 

Salut les filles ! J'espère que vous aller bien , aujourd'hui je vais vous parler du festival de Cannes , qui à commencé hier , si vous ne savez pas ce que c'est je vais vous l'expliquer rapidement : cette cérémonie qui se tient dans le sud de la France à commencé il y a environ 65 ans et celle-ci présente les meilleures films de 2012 . Les films oui , mais aussi beaucoup de mode ! Vous savez à quel point Rafaela et moi même aimons la mode et cette cérémonie est parfaite pour rêver sur de magnifique robes!

Voyons ensemble ce que j'ai choisi de vous présenter!
 Beatrice Bejo , Louis Vuitton

 Eva Longoria ,  Marchesa 

Diane Kruger , Giambatista Valli Couture 


Lana Del Rey , Alberta Ferretti

Freida Pinto , Michael Angel

Do you got yourself a favorite ?


As-tu une tenue que tu préfères ?  

 By the way thanks I want to thank you for following us and you'll be amazing if you can vote for us right here , for the cosmopolitain contest. Thank you if you'll do it !

SWEET WEATHER. I can finally say that Switzerland weather is getting better & better. I even feel like I'm in summer right now. Unfortunately, I'm not able to enjoy this amazing weather between my last month of school ( and I have that feeling this month I have more homeworks & exams unlike the entire year. ) and of course, my little part-time job. That's why I took those pictures inside and not outsite and unfortunately, I'm not sure I'll be able to take pictures outside right now. But don't worry, you'll have a little mix, amazing no? haha! 
Anyway, let's now talk about my outfit. As you can see, it's very bright and I thought neutral colors are the best when summer approaches. I decided to add a green bag from Urban Outfitters to remind a little bit of the mint H&M top that I was wearing that day. You may have seen that Emily & I have the same ballerinas from H&M. That's right, we bought them together & they are so comfortable! And the cherry on the cake is that Zara blazer which I'm totally in love with! It's so perfect for summer & I bet I'll use it a lot!

Blazer: Zara / Top: H&M / Pants: H&M / Shoes: H&M / Bag: Urban Outfitters / Bracelet: H&M / Ring: Maria Melinda